Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Gluten Free Cheese Fondue Recipe

Mmm Camembert
I love cheese, but I'm definitely not a plain cheddar kind of girl. The really strong mature stuff is ok and was eaten on toast a lot in my teenage years but it's not a cheese you would find in my fridge these days. What's great about cheese is that it's naturally gluten free. You have to be careful with flavoured cheeses though, for instance, I used to enjoy Guinness Cheddar, obviously a no no now, but if you stick to cheese that doesn't have added flavourings it's a great food to be able to eat.

Blue veined cheeses can be a problem as some of these have gluten contamination due to bread being used to speed up the mold process. I wasn't happy when it looked like I could never eat Roquefort again but after a bit of research I found that not all blue cheeses were sped up in the ageing process. Tesco sell a Finest Roquefort that has been naturally matured in caves for 4 months, it's the Gabriel Coulet one if you happen to go looking.

I could write about cheese all day as it's an absolute foodie passion of mine, if you looked into my fridge right now you would see Halloumi, Mozzarella, Gouda, Gruyere, Taleggio, Camembert, Le Pied Angloys, Manchego and 2 tubes of Primula squeeze cheese that I often have as a quick lunch while I'm working. See, I really am up there on the fanatical about cheese list.

It will come as no surprise then to know that cheese fondue is one of my all time favourite meals, yes it may be considered to be a somewhat out of date meal but if you only eat foods that are in fashion you need a bit of a head check in my opinion.

So, before I go on and on about individual cheeses and why I love them so much, here's my cheese fondue recipe:

This will serve 2 and we use an electric fondue pot so there's no faffing about melting it on the hob, pouring it into a pot the trying to keep it warm. Much easier this way.


300g of Cheese - I use 50% Camembert, 20% Gruyere, 20% Gouda and 10% Taleggio but that's a rough idea, I only measure the 300g, never the individual cheeses.

120ml White Wine with a good squeeze of fresh Lemon Juice

2 tablespoons White Wine

1 level tablespoon Corn Starch (still cannot believe this is labelled as corn flour over here!)

1 Clove of Garlic


  1. Remove any rind and cut all the cheese into smallish cubes
  2. Cut the garlic clove in half and rub around the inside of the fondue pot
  3. Pour the wine and lemon juice mixture into the pot and heat until little bubbles appear (never let it boil or else your fondue will be pants)
  4. Once the bubbles appear add a small handful of the cheese and stir continuously
  5. Keep adding the cheese and stirring until all the cheese is in the pot
  6. Mix the corn starch and wine together to make a thickener
  7. Once the cheese has melted add the corn starch and wine mix in a figure 8 motion and keep at a medium heat
weighing cheese for fondue
Ready For Melting

How easy is that?

As for the dipping you can pretty much use anything, my choices are DS Gluten Free Ciabatta cut into cubes and grilled or toasted, grilled slices of Fleischwurst cut into quarters and grilled mushrooms. Quick and easy to prepare but really, really tasty.
cheese fondue dipping ingredients
Things To Dip!
 I may be gluten free but I'm so glad I can eat dairy, to those who have the dairy issue, I feel for you.

I have to credit my OH for helping with this recipe, I only ever do the prep, he always does the actual fondue bit, the heating, melting and stirring part. A great job he always does too!

electric fondue pot
I thought that by getting this written, my craving for cheese fondue might subside, but nope. Want it more now. Will have to have it again soon with the excuse that I need photos for this post.

cheese fondue melted
Ahhh Cheese Fondue
Happy cheese eating!

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