Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Gluten Free Halloween Brownies

gluten free halloween brownies
Clutter Of Spiders (Thankfully Plastic)
It might seem a bit odd, but these Halloween Brownies started out being developed as Halloween Ghost Meringues. How? You might ask.

Well. It all started fine, I separated the first egg by transferring the yolk from shell to shell and letting the white drip into my bowl. As I broke the next one The Persian let out an almighty MWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (for the Pumpkin cooking) and I - in a startled fashion - dropped the entire egg (including the 2 halves of shell) into the white I had just separated.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Pixie's Halloween Pumpkin Soup - Gluten Free

shot glass pumpkin soup
First off, I missed the 4th birthday of Free From G, it was funnily enough, on the 4th. So a belated Happy Birthday to my little blog, it's been fun.

Every year I've wanted to do a series of posts for Halloween but I've just never got around to it. this year however! I've already got a few things to share but I want to make more, still, I've got the time so there's no reason not to (unexpected events hopefully not occurring).

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Random Events

It's been a strange year so far, one that I'm looking forward to seeing the back of. The past few months have been especially trying, consisting of a series of annoying events that have pretty much knackered me out.

Firstly there was the seemingly never ending heatwave. Now I know I'm in a minority here, but I hate hot weather. I hate being sweaty, feeling constantly dirty and as though I'm basically being cooked, because that's how it felt.

I suffered wearing as little as I could so imagine our Persian girl with her long floofy coat on. It affected her really badly and she's not been right since. We've had a series of worrying episodes with her.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Gluten Free Pho

gluten free pho
Prawn Pho
We've been having this meal a lot because it's really easy to make - since I was bitten by the mystery bug I've not been feeling great so I haven't been spending my usual hours in the kitchen making food - it's also very, very yum. And Hot.

Me and Pho go back a bit, the first time that I had it was on a glorious day spent in my beloved Brighton. You can read about our spoon silliness here if you want. The second time, well the second time I ordered Pho, it was a complete and utter disaster.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

The Pot Of Face Cream And The Wedding

Hello. I've just bought myself a pot of pretty expensive moisturiser because my face was starting to look like a lizard's, all dry and patchy, and yuck. I sampled the cream, lizard face gone! But I only have one application left so needs must.

It really is a necessity not to have a face like a reptile as I haven't mentioned it here but there are weddingy things being spoken of. If you've been with me from waaaaay back you might remember there were weddingy things being spoke of quite some time ago, but nothing came of it. Well, someone stopped being a nincompoop and now we're serious talking about it again.