Friday, 15 December 2017

The Great Gluten Free Beer Surprise

beer hawk gluten free mixed case

So I bought TG a box of gluten free beer for the holidays and just like the Boom Blast Stixs, it's already been given (I know, I'm so rubbish at holding back pressies). He's been drinking GF beer for ages now but on the last shop forgot to get any so was running low.

In my quest for decent presents for him I've been trawling every quirky site I've ever visited (there's a lot) and just exhausted all the viable sites that come up in search. So remembering how he was a fan of gluten free beer I thought I'd see what they had on Amazon.

To cut a long story short, I got him this mixed case. I thought it was quite a nice gift; craft beers selected by experts, bit fancy. Plus I knew that he would never expect me to buy him beer. Would be a nice surprise.

Friday, 8 December 2017

The Kittens Play Boom Blast Stix

boom blast stix
Waffle Waiting For More Stix To Be Balanced
Omg, so much fun! Seriously, this game is ridiculously entertaining and you'd have to be a huge misery guts not to raise a smile at it. Unless you're terribly jumpy in which case you probably shouldn't go anywhere near it.

Last week I happened to watch a show about what toys were worth buying for Christmas and Boom Blast Stix was one of them. Although I do love a bit lot of silly fun I actually bought this for the kittens as I knew they would love it. I had no idea how many laughs this simple little game would provide.

Though obviously not intended as a cat toy, when those stix go boom blast - which they do, often! - the little guys are enthralled. I think there's a slim chance that I may even manage to teach Rolf fetch. Waffle, no chance! Have I mentioned what a little kleptomaniac he is?

Really Raymond, REALLY?!

This post was going to be a silly fun one, a typically ME one. But I've just read something that makes me so mad that as I can't sleep anyway, I'm going to address. It's like going back to warrior FFG mode. Back. In. The. Day.

I'm a sidebar of shame glancer, I know that I'm meant to feel ashamed about being so but I don't. Time wasting skimming over what people in the public eye are up to, it blurs worrying about real life at times.

I just saw something that really shocked me. And I would like to point out that as it's from the Daily Mail, I don't know if it's true, but it's being reported and it affects me and so many people who read FFG that I really feel like I have to say something.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Tesco Ancient Grain Cob Review (And Kittens)

tesco free from ancient grain cob

I can honestly say that I never thought there would come a time when gluten free bread could possibly be this good. Tesco have well and truly nailed it, again.

If you're new to the gluten free diet through necessity, it might not seem like it right now because things are confusing and scary but honestly, trust me when I say that you'll never have to worry about starving like I did when I first went gluten free.

This bread is a prime example of how you can eat something shop bought gluten free and incredibly lovely. It's not a case of 'oh man I'm SO hungry I better try and eat a slice of cardboard again, just to fill my sore tummy'. Wasn't quite a Bushtucker Trial but it wasn't very pleasant, not around the time I started this blog. I dread to think what it was like all those years previous.

Monday, 27 November 2017

A Little Chaos

chinchilla persian kitten
Waffle Says Hai
So it's all been a bit chaotic. Our Beko fridge freezer died again, second time in about a year. When you consider that I bought it when we moved into this apartment and that was late Summer 2012, can't say it was a great buy.

It seemed pointless having it mended again (pretty sure it was the same problem) so we bought a new one. The thing is, we don't have a kitchen space that allows for a washing machine so measurements are pretty important when it comes to a fridge freezer.

(When I look back at at the stuff I've accomplished in that kitchen it amazes me these days. I think there are toy versions with more workspace and oven reliability. Not a moan however, just a 'picture this' kind of comment.)

Thursday, 9 November 2017

The Cake Was A Lie

gluten free cake making
What You Can't See Is The Carpet Of Spilt Sugar
You may have seen the tweet from Sunday, the one where I said I was making my husband a birthday cake - accompanied by that photo.

I said that I had (typically) cut some corners and expected a disaster. SHOCK HORROR - was NOT a disaster!

Could. Not. Believe. It.

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Happy 7th Birthday Little Blog!

Persian Cat Party
Party Time!
Just discovered this by accident. Knew that I started FFG in October but I had no idea that today was actually the day. Was checking stats because I'm edging really close to 1 million pageviews (!) and made the discovery.

Was previously thinking it might be cool to put something fun together for an upcoming birthday post to amuse myself. Bit late now!

Anyway, Happy Birthday Free From G! How time has flown.


Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Easy Peasy Gluten Free Chicken and Mushroom Pie (Deconstructed)

deconstructed chicken mushroom pie gluten free
I Was Soooo Hungry *Takes A Typical That'll Do Shot*
When I first started Free From G I was on a mission. I'd had all convenience taken away when it came to food so I figured that I'd teach myself to be the best gluten free cook I could be and serve up meals that were worthy of all the faffing about and mess.

I did that day in day out for so many years. Take a look at the recipe page for yummy examples, pretty much all from scratch.

So what an absolute pleasure it is these days to have convenience back! I'd love to focus on some more accessible recipes, really easy stuff that doesn't require a ton of ingredients or effort but still tastes loverly.

If you make this, you're in for a bit of a treat. I honestly haven't stopped wanting to eat this every meal since we had it on Monday. 

Monday, 25 September 2017

Tesco Gluten Free Toad In The Hole

tesco gluten free toad in the hole

As far as comfort foods go, Toad In The Hole was always up there for me. Even as a veggie it was my go to meal using Quorn Apple Sausages, a really easy to put together and relatively quick dinner.

Way back when it was one of the first recipes I published online and it got a ridiculous amount of views and comments. People who had tried but failed previously saying just how simple I'd made it. It was totally simplistic and so long as you had an oven that reached temperature as it should *looks to kitchen with a stench face* it was infallible.

8 years of being gluten free and I have never, ever even come close to replicating that gorgeous puffed up batter of my gluten filled triumph. Not remotely.

Tuesday, 5 September 2017

Gluten Free Pastry Pizza

jus rol gluten free pastry pizza
Loaded Pastry Pizza
Well hello again :)

In keeping with my current form I thought I'd share another lazy meal idea, the Pastry Pizza, ta da!

I'm a huge fan of puff pastry, (bit of a weakness actually) and so when we discovered that Jus Rol had brought out a conveniently pre-rolled sheet we had to immediately try it. Cue however long later and I swear that I think I've eaten at least 50 of these things since. I can safely say that I highly recommend.

Friday, 18 August 2017

Gluten Free Fast Food Indulgence

tesco frozen free from
Another Of Our Freezer Drawers
I'm just going to have to come out and admit it; I've become incredibly lazy. If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen #waffledrawer yesterday, well... this is more of the same. Frozen gluten free convenience food in my freezer. A sentence I never thought I'd write when I started FFG.

Not because I'm Miss 'fresh and healthy is the only way' - actually make that Mrs now (!), still getting used to that - but because I never thought this level of convenience would ever be available to me as a coeliac.

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Free From G - The Return

unicorn wedding
Ride Home After The Wedding
That's my lap right there. 150 meters of tulle, a lot of velvet and a whimsical homemade bouquet inspired by fairy tales and maypoles. I couldn't have been more me.

It's not been the best few years to say the least. I lost my beloved Persian girl who was my friend, familiar and family in late '14, then my gorgeous Mum in early '15. 'Twas a nightmare of epic proportions which I know I'll never fully recover from but I'm finally on the mend.

So that's why I haven't been around. Nothing fun or silly or interesting to say, just doom and gloom which I never want to put out there. So that's where I've been, the good days are now outnumbering the bad and so I feel like I can put my words out again. The light over dark is finally winning. I endeavour for silly season to come back permanently.