Friday, 1 December 2017

Tesco Ancient Grain Cob Review (And Kittens)

tesco free from ancient grain cob

I can honestly say that I never thought there would come a time when gluten free bread could possibly be this good. Tesco have well and truly nailed it, again.

If you're new to the gluten free diet through necessity, it might not seem like it right now because things are confusing and scary but honestly, trust me when I say that you'll never have to worry about starving like I did when I first went gluten free.

This bread is a prime example of how you can eat something shop bought gluten free and incredibly lovely. It's not a case of 'oh man I'm SO hungry I better try and eat a slice of cardboard again, just to fill my sore tummy'. Wasn't quite a Bushtucker Trial but it wasn't very pleasant, not around the time I started this blog. I dread to think what it was like all those years previous.

I'm still a big fan of the DS - or Schar as they're now known - sliced loaves but to have an artisan style whole loaf, that's something else entirely.

It's hand finished with Golden Linseed, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seeds, which gives a lovely crunch to the otherwise super soft texture.

tesco gluten free ancient grain loaf

Not the best of light to see it in but it's generously topped.

I've had this loaf three times now and each one has been consistent. I've not encountered one hole, no having to pick and choose slices, it's been a full slice each and every time. If you're familiar with gluten free bread you will of course know what a rarity this is.

tesco gluten free ancient grain cob loaf

For me, the proof of just how good this loaf is, is the fact that today for the first time, I made a slice of toast from it. I think you'll agree that most, if not all (certainly the many I've tried) gluten free breads benefit from being toasted. For me it's because of the textures when used straight from the bag, maybe just that little bit too heavy still. When toasted you don't notice it as much.

I toasted a slice of this purely because I fancied having some smoked roe on it, oh my gosh. The smell of this bread! It's delish.

If you get the chance to try this then I highly recommend that you do :)


We have our tree a third up.

Rather than explain let me show you:

yule tree

We're slowly testing the waters. This is round three.

I took it out of the box, left all the branches bunched up and put it in the stand in the middle of the room. Both Waffle and Rolf had a chew of the fake needles.

A bit later TG put it on that box and I opened the lower branches. There was sniffing.

Then I opened a few more branches and left it overnight. It's still there and doesn't appear to have been tampered with so by the 21st I might actually have it decorated.

In other news, for the past few weeks we've been bombarded by tiny flies. Having looked it up it appears that it's due to "Hipsters keeping houseplants".

(I just tried to find the article because it sounds like I'm making that up) 

Figures, we live in Hipster central. They're descended upon us and brought their annoying little flies with them.

I've got houseplants and it's only the past few weeks this has been a problem so I don't think our annoyance can be blamed on people who frequent a cereal café.

They're so bloody annoying though! Aside of the tens I've had to exterminate I've found one floating in my breakfast miso soup and one in my lime water. As I've been writing this I've been constantly flailing my arms about trying to stop them landing on me. Cool as ever.

I have a little pot which I keep topping up with Cyder Vinegar near a plant and there are lots constantly being wiped out in there but there's just so many others. I read wine is good so I now have two pots of that in other places, so far nothing in those.

If you have any suggestions of how to get rid of them please do let me know. They're driving me and Rolf in particular mad.

Lovely weekends all :)

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