Friday 31 January 2014

DS Gluten Free Seeded Sliced Loaf Review

Gluten free bread is something that I gave up on a very long time ago. The last disappointment was when I was taken by a strong craving for a Toasted Sandwich, the sliced bread didn't even survive the car trip home let alone being buttered, filled and turned in the pan.

I'd given up on bread but it wasn't all bad, I always have a pack of DS Gluten Free Ciabattas to hand, I've been using them to make all sorts of lovely things* for years, and more recently I've been loving their White Rolls (always thought of by the superior name of Breadlingtons by me), in which hot or cold fillings work a treat.

I wasn't missing bread but a Toasted Sandwich was often day dreamed about.

Thursday 30 January 2014

Jack Daniel's Sauces - Gluten Free Options

I'm still waiting for the product mentioned yesterday to review, so in the meantime I thought I'd share my thoughts on the gluten free Jack Daniel's Sauces available.

I've been using the Hot Pepper Steak Sauce a lot recently, not on Steak, I don't eat red meat, but on both Chicken and Pork and it works incredibly well. I use it as a cooking sauce rather than a table sauce.

gluten free jack daniels sauce

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Carrot Or Cannot

Thought that I would be doing a product review this post but alas, the (wonderfully exciting to me) product hasn't arrived yet but I still feel the urge to write something.

It's days like these when I feel that I shouldn't connect digitally with anyone at all. I'm aghast to think that a slightly less than upbeat post might be the first thing someone reads from me, that it might come across that I may always be on a bit of a downer. If you've read my writings before you'll know that isn't the case, I'm usually quite silly, but today, today I feel like someone has poured a vat of glue over my head and thrown me into a pool of prickly ended feathers.

I realise that's actually quite a funny scenario which gives me hope that even today, a day which is just full of nothingness, a negative if you will - nothing awful, nothing great - I have an underlying humour that won't be quashed.

Tuesday 21 January 2014

Salmon Waffles

salmon waffles
Fishcake Turned Waffle
I'm a funny one when it comes to Salmon (yes, ok, maybe in many other areas too), I still love Smoked Salmon despite it being one of the very few things I would eat as a child - many, many pounds of it therefore consumed - I also love Salmon Sashimi, but it has to be the full works of Tamari Soy Sauce and Wasabi with it. Tinned Salmon, that I love also but fresh cooked Salmon, eurgh, I can't stand the stuff, I don't like the texture nor the taste.

I also don't like wild Salmon in any form. I remember getting a work gift years ago, it was hamper from Fortum and Mason, I don't recall any of the contents except for a pack of wild Smoked Salmon. I had always been used to top quality Smoked Salmon because my Dad used to get it from a wholesaler who supplied Harrods, but I was still excited at the prospect of trying wild Salmon.

I found it vile.

So here I present delicious Salmon Waffles made from your everyday non wild tinned red Salmon in brine.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Updated Post Alert

I've updated my Haribo post with a warning, it isn't a gluten problem, it's a sugar free Haribo problem of epic proportions.

I found this buried amongst the hundreds of reviews:

"I suffer from an intolerance to gluten. I also suffer constant ribbing from others about my special dietary needs. Well... payback is a B*tch, you are all getting a bag of these for christmas... and with the gift wrap option from Amazon what could be better."
You may have guessed from those words that sugar free Haribo has very, very unpleasant after eating effects. I felt it my duty to warn.

Happy Thursday :)

Monday 13 January 2014

The Fondue Incident

If you're familiar with my posts then you will know that I'm a really big fan of cheese, the stronger the better. It will come as no surprise then to know that Fondue is one of my favourite meals, though not eaten as regularly now as in the past.

When doing the weekly meal plan on Friday we decided to include Fondue, after doing the meal plan I always then do the shopping list. Both of these things are usually (stupidly) done between 10pm and midnight, sometimes later and always after a few glasses of wine and with one eye on the tv.

Monday 6 January 2014

Happy New Year!

I'm looking at the Christmas tree as I type, I know that it must come day today (if sticking with tradition) but I feel sad at the thought of it not being there for another 11 months. This year we up scaled from a small - maybe 2 foot - black tree to a more traditional - though still quite small - 4 foot green one, it's decorated by me, in my typically random fashion with brightly coloured baubles and stars and metallic hearts. There's something about this particular tree and decorations that makes me feel extremely happy, it's my favourite Christmas tree to date. Fitting for it to have also been my favourite Christmas to date too.