Monday, 23 December 2013

Pork And Sage Big Bite Burgers

gluten free pork burger
Big Bite Burger
This is probably the last post of 2013 from Free From G, definitely the last one before Christmas. It's been a kind year thus far and if my memory serves me correctly, the first in which I haven't been glutened since 2007 (I do hope this isn't tempting fate), that's a hell of a lot of progress for me right there.

Not sure if it's related or not but I've felt much calmer this year, definitely overall more happy. Is it because my insides haven't been taunted and thoroughly tortured by gluten, or just a coincidence? I don't know, I would like to think so though.

Friday, 13 December 2013

Gluten Free Sesame Prawn Toast

sesame prawn toast ingredients
Most Of The Ingredients
Nine days since my last post, where does time fly off to? Had a lovely four day weekend just gone which started off with the trip to Harry Potter Land! the Harry Potter Studio Tour which was just magical and fun and, well magical. Updated gluten free information here. On the way home we encountered the heaviest rain I think I've ever known, certainly the heaviest I've been out in. It was as though buckets of water were being poured from just above our heads.

So yes, bit slack on the blogging front but time for a recipe to be shared.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Christmas At Hogwarts

Last Visit
It's tomorrow that I return, I've been itching to get back there since the last time (you will have no idea how hard I'm trying not to use copious exclamation marks), I am ridiculously excited.