Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Darling Spuds Gluten Free Crisps

darling spuds crisps
Nice Name
I've spared you my moaning about the heat for a while but I'm back with a new discovery to share. I've not been eating crisps recently, I've been 'good'. To say I had overindulged with everything is spot on, the crispy batter creation was a triumph for me but it also meant that a lot of deep frying occurred, we went a bit overboard.

Having not had any type of crisp for quite a few weeks I had a craving for Burt's Firecracker Lobster flavour, we hadn't had them in ages and were looking forward to munching. No sign of them though at our Tesco, Burt's have been dwindled down to just the Mature Cheddar flavour. I still wanted crisps though and these were discovered on top of a shelf where all the stock that hasn't been put out yet resides.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Weekend Eats On Wimbledon Finals Weekend

mini calippos
Freezer Drawer Comfort
It's been a while, again. On the recipe front there have been no new attempts, equally due to Wimbledon (Yay!), the unbearable heat (Boo!) and my total loss of recipe development skills. You may notice the DS Salami Pizza under the Mini Calippo's, we've been eating a lot of them, minimal effort to add toppings and 16 minutes cooking time makes them ideal for a quick visit to the kitchen for dinner and nothing more.