Hey, I'm Lee and I'm the writer behind Free From G. Thought it was about time that I wrote a little about me section.
I started this blog in 2010 because in the early days of being gluten free myself and my other half (lovingly referred to as The Glutenite on here) spent countless hours on search engines typing in "is ______ gluten free". I know the confusion and worry that comes with being new to the gluten free diet, it sucks. It's bloody horrible. I figured that as I was discovering new products and finding existing ones that were safe, that I could share them and create a resource to hopefully help others.
Same with the recipes, what I found was that a lot of gluten free sites were providing recipes that were naturally gluten free, plain steak and chips anyone? Salad leaves? I wanted recipes that were adapted, things I had previously been able to eat but couldn't anymore, comfort foods. Good comfort foods.
I was sick of seeing gluten free cupcakes and cakey dessert recipes in general. I wanted proper gluten free home cooked main meal comfort foods that tasted like the real thing, so that's how Free From G has evolved. I experiment and strive for only the best, if something isn't good enough by my picky standards it never makes it to the blog as a recipe.
If I review a product it is always with honesty, just because something is gluten free doesn't mean it's good. I don't think we should have to compromise on quality just because something is safe for us to eat, it should be both safe and delicious.
I hope that Free From G provides quality recipes, useful reviews and an honest outlook on gluten free living. Plus, y'know, a bit of fun here and there. I can be very random at times.
That's the sort of serious bit over with!
What makes me tick in general? Well, my little family for starters, the lovely Glutenite who still makes me so giddy 6 years on and who saw me through the 2 years of my zombie hell where I didn't know what on earth was wrong with me, then the following years of getting the diet right. Our floofy Persian girl who makes mischief on a daily basis, she rocks. Creating recipes from scratch makes me happy, it's fun. I love good food but more so, I love writing about good food, it's a passion.
I love writing in general so that's what I mainly do. I'm a copywriter and an incredibly professional one to boot when not writing about my own things but you won't see much seriousness here, life's too short. Copywriting has taken me to many different subject matters which I love because I'm constantly discovering new information. I write on incredibly random subjects and find it very easy to do so! I'm a bit of a sponge.
I'm a tennis fanatic who tries to keep mentions here to a minimum, I could write about tennis all day long but obviously it's not suited to a food blog (I couldn't write a tennis blog, I'm way too biased).
I hate hot weather, hate it! My perfect day is clear blue skies, bright but cool. I'm Tudor pale skinned so me and the sun aren't really friends, it's fine though, I'm a night owl the moon is where it's at for me. I most love vegging out at home with good food, great company and floofy snuggles, but my perfect 'doing something' day would be taking a trip to the Harry Potter Studio Tour (it really is magical) or going to visit a National Trust property in the beautiful English countryside, I'm a sucker for historical brilliance and wands.
I've been obsessed with anything Halloweeny for as long as I can remember thanks to the classic Universal Horror films. My favourite monster is a Werewolf but I'm a fan of most, I will never grow out of this fondness. Never.
You can probably tell either from my posts or from the things that I've said here so far (or both!), I'm a bit of a big kid and I don't plan on that changing. When you don't have to be serious don't be, that's my attitude. Live, laugh, love. (And be exceedingly silly whenever possible).
So that's me, the often random but always optimistic (other than trying to eat out gf) girl behind Free From G.
If you want to ask a question, feel free, depending on the subject matter you may or may not get a sensible answer :) (You will if it's gluten related, promise)
If you want to contact me, best place right now is in the post comments :)