Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Nestle UK Gluten Free Product List - Updated December 2013

I found this list completely by accident but what a find! There's stuff on here that I didn't think I could have but now know that I can. Something to take note of is that Nestle UK guarantee that items on this list are safe so long as they are UK made, anything imported by retailers may not be safe so always check the label regardless. Always check labels!!!

Items listed are gluten free, items with a * contain 20pmm or less, the legal amount a product can contain and be labelled gluten free. I personally wouldn't eat these and wouldn't recommend eating them but they are considered to be gluten free by law so the choice is up to you.

I still think that gluten free should mean gluten free, no traces whatsoever.

Here's a new update, non underlined titles items in bold are updates or additions.


Coffeemate - Original / Light

Nescafe Azera - Azera / Cappuccino, Latte

Nescafe Alta Rica

Nescafe Black Gold

Nescafe Blend 37

Nescafe Cap Columbie

Nescafe Cafe Range - Cafe Caramel / Vanilla / Cappuccino Decaff / Latte / Mocha / Cappuccino Original / Cappuccino Unsweetened / Double Choca Mocha / Cappuccino Unsweetened Decaff  / Irish Cream / Cappuccino Skinny / Latte Skinny / Gingerbread Latte

Nescafe Dolce Gusto - All Varieties

Nescafe Espresso

Nescafe Fine Blend

Nescafe Gold Blend - Standard / Decaff

Nescafe International - International Roast

Nescafe Original - Standard / Decaff

Nescafe Parisien

Nescafe Suraya

Nescafe To Go - Coffee / Decaff Coffee

Nescafe 3 in 1 - Original, Strong, Extra Smooth

Nescafe 2 in 1 - Original

Nesquick Powder - Chocolate, Strawberry, Banana, Hot Chocolate

Nestle Aero - Hot Chocolate / Mint


Aero - Milk Chocolate Bubbles / Peppermint Bubbles / Milk Chocolate Bar Medium & Large / Peppermint Bar Medium & Large / Dark Chocolate / Aero Caramel / Orange Bubbles / Orange Bar / Aero Minis

Animal Bar

After Eight - Dark Mints

Matchmakers - Mint / Orange 151g

Milkybar - Buttons / Giant Buttons

Polo - Original* / Spearmint* / Sugar Free / Fruits

Quality Street - Assortment

Rolo - 100g Bar

Rowntrees Fruit Gums*

Rowntrees Fruit Pastilles - Original* / Berry* / Sour / Orchard Fruits / Tropical Fruits

Rowntrees Jelly Confectionery - Jelly Tots* / Juicy Jellies / Randoms / Pick n Mix / Very Berry Blasters / Funny Faces / Jelly Aliens / Sour Faces / Fruit Bottles / Squidgers / Rock Pool / Red Ones / Squidgy Speak / Fizzy Bottles

Toffee Crisp - Popcorn

Tooty Frooties

Wonka - Millionaires Shortcake / Nice Cream

Chilled Meats

Herta Parisien Ham - Original

Milks and Creams

Carnation - Evaporated Milk / Light Evaporated Milk / Condensed Milk / Light Condensed Milk / Caramel / Extra Thick Cream / Milk Pots

Ideal - Evaporated Milk

Nestle - Tip Top Cream / Tip Top Squirty Cream

Infant Cereal

Cerelac - Rice with Milk / Rice and Maize / Mixed Vegetable With Rice and Milk

Build Up - All Soups / All Milkshakes

Yogurts, Fromage Frais and Desserts

Aero Mousse - Mint 100g Pot / Orange 100g Pot / Chocolate 4 x 59g Pots / Peppermint 4 x 59g Pots / Double Chocolate / White / Swirlie Choc and Cream / Caramel and Choc Dessert / Aero Finesse Vanilla and Chocolate / Mint, Chocolate and Caramel

After Eight - Dessert

Disney Desserts - Chocolate Desserts / Winnie The Pooh Fromage Frais Chocolate and Fruit / Winnie The Pooh Sticks

Hello Kitty - Drinks

Milkybar - Dessert / Fromage Frais / Little Treats 6 Pots

Munch Bunch - Yogurts 100g Pots Fromage Frais, Variety Pack / Strawberry and Banana / Squashams Strawberry and Raspberry / Squashums Strawberry and Peach / Double Up Vanilla and Strawberry / Double Up Strawberry and Raspberry / Double Up Strawberry and Chocolate / Stixx / Strawberry Mix / Shootums / Jelly Delights Vanilla / Jelly Delights Srawberry

Quality Street - Toffee Penny Dessert /Green Triangle Dessert

Rolo - Dessert

Ski Yogurts - All Varieties

Ski - Lemon Mousse / Strawberry Mousse / Mango Mousse / Coconut Mousse / Raspberry Mousse

Yorkie - Chocolate Dessert

There's a few things on the list that I've known were safe and have had since being gluten free, however Nesquick Chocolate Powder (and the August 2013 updated other flavours) is a new one. As is the Aero chocolate listed and After Eights.

I love finding lists like this new discoveries are always welcome, hopefully it's a help to others too. Would be so much easier if everything not obviously gluten free was labelled as such but it's a very dodgy situation what with there being gluten in some gluten free foods *rolls eyes*. At least this list tells you it straight.

Not the Halloween post that I intended to write but a valuable resource nonetheless.

Happy Halloween!

(The original document can be found here)


  1. how did u find this , u have made me so happy, i had given up polo mints and it was so so difficult i love u..

  2. Any idea if yorkie bars are gluten free?

  3. If they aren't on this list then no, they aren't. Sorry!

  4. Thank you so much! There was a massive box of Quality Street just sitting in front of me and I was so desperate to eat them and after I saw this, I just started scoffing them :P Haha, thank you again!

  5. That's great news! Don't blame me for Quality Street overindulgence though :p

    Thanks to you also, just seen that my list needs updating.

    Happy Christmas!

  6. This is such a help. I am a 71 year old female and have been so unwell. Tired no appetite feeling "strange". I have cut gluten out to see if this is the problem and I think it may well be

    1. Carol, if cutting out gluten made you feel that much better, you really should have the coeliac test as the gluten may have damaged your stomach & bone density, so you may need some medication.
      Good luck.

  7. Hi Carol,

    Sorry it's taken me so long to reply I've not been online over Christmas and New Year.

    I know that strange feeling, it's awful. I figured out that gluten was the problem over a bowl of vegetable and barley soup, it was a lightbulb moment after a couple of years of hell and I've been gluten free ever since.

    Writing from experience, I've never been tested for coeliac disease because once I found that eliminating gluten made me feel like my old self again, I couldn't bear to re-introduce it to be tested. At this stage it might be worthwhile going to your doctor and asking for a test for coeliac because you have to be eating gluten for the disease to be recognised.

    On the other hand, if you've already eliminated gluten completely and you're feeling better then stick with it. Nothing could make me eat it again because I know how awful I felt and I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone.

    Either way, good luck and I hope you feel much better very soon xx

  8. Hi, I've just come across your site. My 8 year old son has just been diagnosed with coeliac disease. I obviously have all the relevant information but it is encouraging to see info posted like this :)

  9. Thank you so much for your comment, it's made me so happy to think that your little boy might be able to enjoy some 'regular' treats.

    Best wishes,


  10. Plz help my 7 year old has been diagnosed with coeliac disease since Oct 2013. It's really confusing for me when I'm out buying his yoguart. I have been told by the dietician not to buy yoguarts with flavourings, thickners or sweetners in them.

  11. Sounds like you need natural yogurt, but I can't imagine a little one would enjoy that, maybe you could sweeten it with some honey?

    Yeo Valley and Onken are available in most supermarkets in the UK if that's where you're from.

    Good luck!

  12. Thanks alot that was a great help. Plz coluld u recommend me any potatoe waffles for him as iv been told not to give him waffles with starch in them. I really appreciate your help. God bless ur.

  13. Don't know quite where to start with this but I'll try my very best :) So, all potatoes contain starch, so a starch free potato waffle can't really be a thing.

    Some potatoes have less starch than others and you can also remove some of the starch content by soaking them in water but you can't completely remove it to the best of my knowledge. If your little boy can't have any starch that's not going to help.

    Seems like you're going to have to find an alternative to potatoes :( This problem is a totally new one to me so I don't think I can be much help. If it is the case that he can't eat any starch at all, what I would suggest is to type into google "starch free diet", there are sites out there that have recipes and better advice than I can give on this problem.

    I hope that helps, let me know how you get on xx

  14. Thank you so much for all this information as I think my 10 year old daughter has coeliac disease (she is being tested) so just in case I am looking all over the net to see what she can and can't have. This has really helped me as I so new to all this.
    Thank you so so much.
    One happy mummy :D

  15. Yay! I'm so glad I could be of help Sara.

    It takes time but you'll get the hang of it.

    Good luck and best wishes :)

  16. Hi im 32 and have just been diagnosed with coeliac disease, it scared me as im not exactly the best person when it comes to diet. I was so so happy to see i can still eat chocolate!!!! You have made my day, now just to find what chinese food i can eat.... is white rice totally gluten free???

  17. You know what really scared me? Not being able to eat anything without the consequences and not knowing why. Discovering gluten was the problem changed my life. You know now too, so that's a really great thing! It does suck to be a coeliac but at least it's manageable :)

    So long as you always check the labels to make sure nothing's changed chocolate is a winner! I eat lots.

    You've also made my day with your comment, so thank you.

    Have a look in the recipe section up top. I've developed a fair few gluten free Chinese recipes. White rice cooked in plain water or in gluten free stock is totally safe but if you're thinking of ordering or eating out at a Chinese you need to know that there isn't any cross contamination and exactly what ingredients they use.

    Feel free to email me if you would like more information. I'm very happy to help.

    Lee :)

  18. The only success I find from gluten free is to avoid anything even gluten free I make my own breads, muffins, pita all from coconut products coconut oil which I do not eat daily once in awhile... I eat a high ketogenic ketosis fats diet I never feel good with even gluten free 'ever'

  19. Hi, Thanks for this list. As a new gluten-freer I am interested in your comment regarding not recommending eating products which contain 20pmm or less and are legally allowed to call themselves gluten free. Are people still sensitive at that level?

    Having only discovered my gluten allergy recently this is all new to me. However, today I ate 3 Fruit Pastilles and felt the symptoms come on as though I'd eaten gluten (I've eaten nothing else out the ordinary). This is when I researched Fruit Pastilles and found your page which states that they are under the 20pmm limit. I'm surprised that I would be so sensitive - can this really be the case? Be great to understand other people's experiences. Thanks.


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