Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Premier Foods Gluten Free Information

In a constant effort to try and get as much gluten free information from big brands, today I contacted Premier Foods as there is no GF information on their website, or any of their umbrella brand websites. You may not have heard of Premier Foods but you're sure to know at least some of the brands that they own.

Ambrosia, Batchelors, Bisto, Hovis, Loyd Grossman, Mr Kipling, OXO, Sharwoods, Angel Delight, ATORA, BeRo, Birds, Branston, Cadbury, Coffee Compliment, Homepride, Lyons, Marvel, McDougalls, Mothers Pride, ORMO, Paxo, SAXA and Smash.

After speaking with customer services I have learnt that there is no gluten free information online and no comprehensive list available to consumers.

If you want to know whether a product from one or more of these brands is gluten free you have to call this freephone number and ask about the product in question:


A different kind of customer service to who I spoke to *shakes head*

Better than taking a risk but still, it baffles me as to why this information isn't readily available.

I suspect there is a way to get a definitive list but I neither have the time nor the patience to do it. There's a list of "range includes" on each umbrella brand page of the Premier Foods website. If you were to call and state each of these items and ask the same question for each i.e. is xxx gluten free? If they were exercising good customer service (what a test?!) then you should have a list by the end of it. 

If it happened a few times they'd probably get massively annoyed and possibly consider making a list and putting it online for general viewing. Not exactly hard work.

If anyone actually does this I want to know about it please!

Here's two brands who freely offer their gluten free information online:

Nestle and Heinz

I like them. Lots.

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