Thursday, 7 August 2014

Gluten Free Honey Vanilla Cheesecake

gluten free cheesecake
A Free From G Photo, As Per Usual, A Bit Odd
You're probably aware that this is a cake free zone usually, don't worry I've not gone all Great British Bake Off on you, I'm still crap when it comes to the science of such things. This Cheesecake though, well it's been a bit of a revelation.

See, I kind of assumed that all desserts (made from scratch) required a bit of cleverness. There's usually eggs involved and exact quantities needed, I can't be doing with such things for desserts. I do love a good Cheesecake though and had toyed with the idea of making one for a really long time. I couldn't be bothered with the - assumed - faff though.

Turns out you can make a bloody good Cheesecake with no cooking, no eggs and no exact - do it by the book or else you're f***ed - quantities! Yes, I know I'm late to the party here but I mean it's not a given knowing that, is it? Not for someone who taught themselves to cook.

So a couple of weeks ago it was my Dad's birthday and I felt bad that I hadn't got him a cake as just a few weeks earlier it had been my Mum's birthday and I'd bought her some cute mini Cupcakes from Marks and Spencer.

I can do Cupcakes but I've not experimented enough to consider then to be anything other than okay. There's no way that a gluten guzzler like my Dad would find my gluten free Cupcakes anything but very free from and lacking in general.

I decided that I would finally tackle a Cheesecake.

Other than the base what else would need to be a gluten free substitute? Nothing. I was really confident in my biscuits of choice for the base and the only other things I needed were Cream and Cream Cheese, plus some flavourings. How hard could this be?!

Then it dawned on me. Where does the cooking bit come in?

I optimistically typed No Bake Cheesecake into Google and there it was, 1000's of results for Cheesecakes that required absolutely no cooky cook in an oven!

After a quick look at Cream to Cream Cheese ratios - the two recipes I looked at both said entirely different things - I decided, as per usual, to wing it.

I've used this recipe three times now and it has proven to be terrifyingly moreish. Completely devoid of any planning when it came to the flavours (I literally used what I found in the cupboards) it is my long awaited dessert of triumph regardless.


When I made the original birthday Cheesecake I put it in little pots because we wanted some too. So this recipe will make up eight little pots like this:

gluten free cheesecake
Where It All Began
Or a 8 1/2" x 6 1/2" dish with room at the top like this:

gluten free honey vanilla cheesecake
Or Equivalent

For The Base:
200g Nairn's Gluten Free Biscuit Breaks (5 individual packs, 4 per box)
100g Butter
40g Caster Sugar

For The Filling:

380g Philadelphia Cream Cheese
280ml Double Cream
20g Caster Sugar
2 Tablespoons Vanilla Essence
2 Tablespoons Clear honey

  • Put the biscuits into a mixer until they turn into crumbs (I do NOT subscribe to the bag and bash technique because I just end up with a big fat mess)
  • Pour into the dish you plan on making the cheesecake in*
  • Melt the butter (Microwave or hob)
  • Pour the butter and the sugar into the crumbs and mix until they stick together
  • Press down with a fork to make an even layer
gluten free cheesecake base
Nairn's Biscuits Make An Amazing Base
  • Empty the philly into a mixing bowl and add the honey and vanilla essence
  • Mix together thoroughly
  • Empty the double cream into another mixing bowl, add the sugar
  • Whisk until firm
gluten free cheesecake filling
Naughty But Incredibly Nice
  • Put the cream into the cream cheese mixture and mix together
gluten free cheesecake filling
Oh My
  • Pour the filling over the biscuit base and smooth to make an even layer
gluten free cheesecake
And That's It!
  • Put into the fridge for 5 hours or overnight to set
*If you're making individual portions like my Dad's birthday ones, put the biscuit crumbs into a bowl and mix with the melted butter there. You can then fill each pot with the base without making a load of mess or having to be careful not to make a load of mess. Much easier.

The Nairn's Biscuits used in these photos are the Oats and Syrup flavour:

nairns biscuit breaks
Generally Amazing
In the original Cheesecakes I used the Chocolate chip flavour and in the most recent a combination of the two, both go really well with the Honey and Vanilla. There's also an Oats and Fruit flavour that is lovely and I'm sure would be great also, the choice is yours.

Another thing I should mention is that I've used two different amounts of Philadelphia when making this. The 380g documented are made up of two small tubs (all that was available) but I've also used one larger tub which was 300g. I honestly didn't notice any difference in taste or texture. Also, I've used both light and full fat and I can't say that I noticed much there either except that the full fat Cheesecake was slightly richer.

So back to my pretty much anything goes attitude with this, you really don't need to be exact with the quantities. Join me in my haphazardness, it'll set you free.

Or drive you insane. 50/50 chance.

UPDATE 18/8/14:

This Cheesecake has become an absolute must have in the fridge, I think The Glutenite is addicted. Here it is with the perfect accompaniments of Blueberries and Raspberries. It's so delish!

gluten free blueberry cheesecake
Making It Kind Of Healthy Right?!

gluten free raspberry cheesecake
Ok, So There's No Excuse


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