Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Foodista Food Blog Of The Day!

Foodista Food Blog of the Day Badge

I got a lovely surprise on Saturday evening, Free From G was the featured food blog of the day on Foodista! I had no idea as I never check email at weekends and it was only because The Glutenite happened to be checking stats that we found out when we did.

It's great to be recognised period, but to be a gluten free blog that gets recognised on a regular foodie site is an honour. 

free from g foodista blog of the day

Kind of difficult to see at this size but bottom right of the screenshot is where the Food Blog Of The Day is featured on the Foodista homepage. Free From G made it!

The best part was that The Glutenite said "that's my dinner!". It was, it was the photo of his huge Magnificent Meatballs and Tremendous Tomato Sauce serving. He said that it was the added cheese that got Free From G recognised, his addition to the recipe. It was somewhat in jest but not enough *giggles*. I've given him the challenge of coming up with something from scratch to see if we can get recognised elsewhere. He did mighty fine with the Cheesy Chicken Bacon Bites so I await the next creation with relish.

So yes, a lovely surprise and a bit of exposure for homemade gluten free comfort foods. Wonder where we will crop up next?

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